Internet Bandwidth Sharing

Nowadays, everyone has an Internet connection, often unlimited at home. But how to use its full potential? And why not pay back your subscription? On this page you will find many services that offer to share your unused Internet bandwidth.

Start Earning Money

Discover applications for sharing bandwidth on the Internet

Below you will find a list of all tested applications for making money passively by sharing unused bandwidth on the Internet. By clicking on the links, you will find more information (pay rates, installation, security…).

Why share your Internet connction?

Partage de Bande-Passante Internet

Making the most of your Internet subscription

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Nowadays, everyone has an Internet connection, often unlimited at home. But why not pay off your subscription?

Indeed, with the applications presented in this blog, you will be able to reduce your costs on your Internet subscriptions.

Positive contribution to society

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In general, companies use publicly available information (e.g. product prices) for detailed research and financial analysis. But in many cases, when companies use their own IP address to browse the internet, they can get inaccurate data.

The user’s PC is actually used as a VPN for companies like Kayak for example. These companies need to have plenty of IPs from different areas to pass as new customers. So, by scanning the databases of ticket sellers, they get the best possible rates.


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In France (and perhaps other countries), you are legally responsible for the use of your Internet line.

The author of this blog cannot be held responsible for any damage, loss of profit or loss of data resulting from the use of this blog.

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