Midas Investments
Midas Investments pays its users on the investment of crypto-currencies.
An investment on this platform will give you annual returns of 20% on stablecoins and up to 30% on other crypto-currencies.
Transactions & Returns
Transactions: Cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, BUSD, USDT…).
Return: 20%/year on stablecoins (BUSD, USDT…), 13%/year BTC, 30%/year MIDAS.
How it works
Midas Investments is based on “shared” Masternodes and decentralised finance (DeFi).
The Masternode is a node (= software) that validates transactions and secures the blockchain register. This works everywhere, it is decentralised finance (DeFi).
MidasInvestments company : twenty people hired, + 170 million dollars, + 35,000 investors…
Investing on Midas Investments
To invest on Midas Investments, simply deposit cryptocurrency on the platform after creating a MidasInvestments account (with Google ou Discord).
Depositing BUSD from Binance
I recommend stablecoin deposits (BUSD to avoid fees) to take advantage of the 20% return at lower risk because the price of this currency is stable. On MidasInvestments, we get our BUSD deposit address. Then, on Binance, we will now send BUSD to this address through the Binance Smart Chain network (BEP20).
MidasInvestments dashboard
Once the transactions have been received on MidasInvestments, we see our dashboard with the investments:
Return on Midas Investments
The interest is paid out daily on the platform. We find a summary in CSV format for each investment: