Investments & Crypto on the Internet

Following the first part of this blog with making money on the Internet, you will find on this page some tips and crypto investments. These investments will be short or long term, with the aim of earning compound interest. We will use mainly crypto currency transactions for this purpose.

How can I reinvest my money?

Discover crypto currency investments on the internet

Below you will find a list of some tested services that offer crypto currency investments. By clicking on the links, you will find more information (yield, transaction, security…).


Get with YieldNodes a monthly return between 5% and 15% thanks to the crypto currency MasterNodes. Minimum deposit of €500!

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Recommended Crypto wallets and tools



Binance is the leading platform in the crypto market. It is the platform with the lowest fees! Although Binance’s interface is not designed for cryptocurrency beginners, it is worth the cost to get started with Binance.



CoinStats is an essential application for tracking crypto-currencies owned on different platforms. Through APIs or wallet addresses, it is possible to track curves in one place. This all-in-one application allows you to keep an eye on your cryptos.



eToro is one of the oldest platforms on the market. It also allows for stock market investing and stock trading. It is probably the most complete and easy to use platform to start investing (stock market/crypto).

Why crypto currency?

Investissements Crypto


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Buying crypto currencies today is mainly a bet on the future, with a view to making an investment. For this, it is important to choose the right platform (Binance, eToro…).

It is a very volatile market and it is important to measure your risks when investing and trading in crypto currencies. This is also why it is possible to make big gains in a short time!

Blockchain and Network

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Almost all crypto currencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin…) use a technology called the blockchain. This is a list of transactions that everyone can see and verify, when trading in crypto currencies.

Depending on these different networks and the platforms used, fees may apply to support the operation of the blockchain.

Secure Wallet

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With the major crypto-currency platforms, enjoy a secure wallet that is accessible online. Storage of crypto currencies is free and transactions are secure.

It is important to never divulge sensitive information to access your wallets.


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As crypto currency is a new market, it is not recognised as a financial instrument. As a result, crypto currencies are not currently regulated in France.

Gains and capital gains in crypto currencies are subject to the Flat Tax of 30% when converted into Euro.